Xamarin is an open-source, C# based set of tools for writing Android, iOS and Windows apps with native user interfaces and a shared code base across all platforms. It allows developers to use the same IDE, language, and APIs everywhere — anything that can be done in Objective-C, Swift, or Java can be done in C# with Xamarin. Xamarin was bought by Microsoft in 2016 and is included with Visual Studio.
In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn key aspects of Xamarin as they take on the development of their own set of mobile applications for Android, iOS and Windows.
Key Learnings :
- Build native mobile apps for Android, iOS and Windows using C#
- Understand the fundamentals of Xamarin Forms and its architecture
- Build user-interfaces with XAML and code
- Work with images
- Present data in beautiful, interactive lists
- Implement multi-page apps with navigation, tabs, master/detail pages
- Build forms and setting pages
- Store and retrieve data from a variety of sources (file system, SQLite database and RESTful services)Model-View-ViewModel
- Implement (MVVM) architectural pattern
- Understanding the Xamarin Forms Development KIT
- Using Xamarin Studio to develop Cross-platform Native Apps for iOS and Android
- Creating Cross-platform Apps using Shared Code base and Po CLs
- Understanding the Xamarin Forms to design the UI for iOS and Android
- Writing Platform Specific Code and invoke Native elements
Topics Covered During Classroom :
1. Xamarin Android
- Course Overview
- Mono in Visual Studio 2012
- Hello World
- Deploying to a Device
User Interface
- Views and Layouts
- Table Layouts
- Relative Layouts
Basic User Interface Widgets
- Text View
- Edit View
- AutoComplete Edit
- Button
- Image Button
- Spinner
- Checkbox
- Radio Buttons and Groups
- Date and Time Pickers
- Clocks
- Images
Advanced User Interface
- Tabs
- Action Bars
- Menus
- Keyboards
- Basic Lists
- Simple List Adapters
- Grids
- Custom List Adapters
- Expandable List Adapters
- Using Expandable List Adapters
- Localization
Activities / Intents and Services
- Activities and Intents
- Activity Life Cycle
- Services
- Content Providers
- Broadcast Receivers
- Alarms
- Passing Data between Activities
- Options for Data
- Creating a SqlLite Database
- CRUD Operations
- Using Data in Lists
- Remote Data – WCF
- Remote Data – JSON
File System
- File Storage
- Preferences
- Using the Camera
- Embedding the Camera in an Application
- Playing Audio
- Recording Audio Playing Video
- Recording Video
- Media Store
Using Other Applications
- Sending an SMS
- Receiving an SMS
- Making a Phone Call
- Monitoring the Phone
- Browser
- Maps
- YouTube
- Displaying Contacts
- Editing Contacts
- Download Manager
Location Services- Retrieving Current Location
- GPS in the Emulator
- Geocoding
- Google Maps
- Creating a Background Service
- Using Background Threads
- Communicate with the UI from Background
- Notifications
- Bluetooth Activity
- Bluetooth Service
- Checking Network Availability
- WiFi Manager
- Testing
- Versioning the Final Build
- Signing
- Publishing
2. Xamarin Forms
Building Your First Xamarin.Forms App
- Introduction
- What You Need to Develop with Xamarin.Forms
- Creating a Xamarin.Forms Solution in Visual Studio
- Creating a Xamarin.Forms Solution in Xamarin Studio
- Creating a Simple Xamarin.Forms Screen
- Running the App in iOS
- Running the App in Android
- Making the App Interactive
Understanding Xamarin Forms
- What Is Xamarin Forms?
- Xamarin vs. Xamarin.Forms
- Xamarin.Forms App Startup
- Xamarin.Forms Component Types
- Mixing Platform and Shared Code
Providing UI Behavior with Views and XAML
- Available XAML Views
- Creating a Simple UI with XAML
- Making XAML Components Visible to Code Behind
- Handling View Events in Code Behind
- Running the XAML App Across Devices
Xamarin Forms ListViews
- Getting Things Lined Up
- Creating Simple ListView
- Clearing the Current Selection
- Using ListView with Linq
- Displaying a Custom Class in a ListView
- Using Databinding with a ListView
- Multiline Display with TextCel
- Customize ListView Appearance
- Using the Customized Appearance
Xamarin Forms Layouts
- The Kinds and Purposes of Layouts
- Create StackLayout
- ScrollView
- Multiple StackLayouts
- Applying LayoutOptions
- AbsoluteLayout Proportional Sizing
- AbsoluteLayout Proportional Positioning
- RelativeLayout Using Parent
- RelativeLayout Using Another View
Cross-platform options
- Shared Projects
- PCL Solution
Understanding Data Binding
- Introduction to the Module
- Simple Data Binding
- Data Binding to a List
- Introduction to Grouping
- Grouping Code Behind
- Grouping XAML
Persisting Data with SQLite
- Adding SQLite Package
- Adding the SQLite Interface
- Adding Contact Database
- Adding the SAVE operations
- Adding the Remaining CRUD Operations
- iOS Specific Code
- Creating an Entry Page
- Retrieving Data
- Button Event Handlers
- Completing the Project
- The Native Directory Structures
- Using SQLite with different platforms in PCL
- Using SQLite with different platforms in Shared Project
- Accessing Application Folders and Shared Folders
- Adapting the Code to Platform specific Folder structure
- Accessing resources from Shared resources
Separating Data and Presentation with MVVM
- Triggers
Consuming Rest Services
- Creating the MVVM Structure and the Model
- Creating the User Interface
- Creating the ViewMode
- Using Async
- Running the Program
Training Duration & Pricing:
For Individuals
Duration: 1.5 Months and we also offer 2 Months Offline Support
Mode: Classroom & Online
Course Fees: Call us at +91-9900001329
For Corporate Training
The Mobignosis Corporate Training Program is designed for organisations who require practical upskilling for their employees to gain knowledge on the current trending technologies
Candidates receive Mobignosis course completion certificate upon successful completion of course
The course is an instructor led classroom/online coaching session
The instructors are industry experts (Xamarin Professionals) who consult with leaders in technology services like SAP, Capgemini, Cisco and many others
As a team of practicing Xamarin professionals, we use the leading edge methodologies in our consulting work and have used the same methodologies to develop the Xamarin course content for classroom coaching. So, you are exposed to the most up to date quality course contents
The Xamarin Training program includes 2 months free technical support post training, the participants can repeat the session free of cost, For any additional assistance we are just a phone call away