Kotlin is expressive, concise, and powerful official language on Android. It can interoperate with our existing Android languages and run-time. It is an open source project under Apache 2.0 and adopted by the largest global companies Google. It has safety features for nullability and immutability which make Android apps healthy and performant by default.
Mindmajix Kotlin Training is designed to level-up your skills as a certified Kotlin developer by mastering all the key concepts of Kotlin with real-time examples. The course will walk you through the essential features of Kotlin and then progress towards working with variables, creating classes, functions, OOPs concepts, collections, etc.to build Android applications using Kotlin. Upon completion, you’ll become an expert in developing applications using Kotlin by working on hands-on projects.
In this course, you will learn to programme in Kotlin. The course will start with the fundamentals of Kotlin that is completely suitable for beginners. You will put what you learn into practice in various coding challenges so that after completion of this course you could make your own mobile application in Kotlin.
Key Learnings :
- Introduction to Kotlin
- Control Flow Statements
- Function & Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Android Framework and Android studio
- Creating user interface UI
- Android Layouts, Styles, Themes and Menus
- Toasts, Activities, Navigation and Views
- Android Dialogs, Snack Bar, Menus, Web View and notification
- Android Storage, SQLite and Content Providers
- Location –Aware Apps: Using GPS and Google Maps
Topics Covered During Classroom :
1. Getting Started with Kotlin
- Introduction to Kotlin
- Basic Syntax
- Coding Conventions
- Basic Types
- Packages
- Control Flow
- Conditional
2. Functions and Lambdas
- Functions
- Lambdas
- Inline Functions
3. Classes and Objects
- Classes and Inheritance
- Properties and Fields
- Interfaces
- Visibility Modifiers
- Extensions
- Data Classes
- Generics
- Nested Classes
- Enum Classes
- Objects
- Delegation
4. Beyond Fundamentals
- Collections
- Ranges
- Type Checks and Casts
- This expressions
- Equality operator
- Exceptions
- Annotations
5. Interop
- Calling Java from Kotlin
- Calling Kotlin from Java
6. Introduction to Android
- Android Ecosystem
- Android Architecture
- What’s new in Android
7. Android Development Tools
- Android Studio
- Android Emulator and Virtual Devices (AVD)
- Debugging applications
8. Android Application
- Physical Structure of an Android Application
- Introduction to Application Components
- Activity
- Service
- Content Provider
- Broadcast Receiver
9. Application Essentials
- Resources
- Intents
- Manifest
10. Activities
- Activities and View
- Activities in-Depth
- Creating & Registering Activities
- Launching Activities
- Activity and Data Flow
- Returning Data back from Activity
11. Fragment
- Introduction to Fragments
- Life-cycle of Fragment
- Creating Fragments
- Fragment Manager and Transaction
- Fragment Backstack
- Communication between Fragments
12. User Interface
- Introduction & Overview
- View Architecture in Android
- View, ViewGroup, Layout & Widget
- Layouts
- Linear
- Frame
- Relative
- Grid
- Constraint Layout
- Common Widgets
13. Background Work
- Why Threading?
- Loopers
- Java Threading
- AsyncTask
- Handlers
- Messages &Runnables
14. Web Service
- RESTful web service
- SOAP web service
- XML/JSON parsing
Training Duration & Pricing:
For Individuals
Duration: 2.5 Months and we also offer 2 Months Offline Support
Mode: Classroom & Online
Course Fees: Call us at +91-9900001329
For Corporate Training
The Mobignosis Corporate Training Program is designed for organisations who require practical upskilling for their employees to gain knowledge on the current trending technologies

Candidates receive Mobignosis course completion certificate upon successful completion of course
The course is an instructor led classroom coaching session
The instructors are industry experts (Android Professionals) who consult with leaders in mobility services like SAP, Capgemini, Cisco and many others
As a team of practicing Android Application Development professionals, we use the leading edge methodologies in our consulting work and have used the same methodologies to develop the Android course content for classroom coaching. So, you are exposed to the most up to date quality course contents
The Android Training program includes 2 months free technical support post training, the participants can repeat the session free of cost, For any additional assistance we are just a phone call away