Jobs After the post pandemic world

Jobs after the Post-Pandemic world

With innovations and high demand for research in all sectors of industries to cater to the current market trends, technologies such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, machine learning are going to shape the future and bring in rapid automation across all sectors in the next few years.

With the possible replacement of automation in every industry, it is obvious to take down the percentage of human capital and the overall workforce. This leads to the massive loss of jobs forming a high rate of unemployment in the mere future. But with the incorporation of newer technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning creates a high amount of jobs that will be open to people having those particular set of skills.

A survey made by the world economic forum suggests that 85 million jobs will be lost in the next few years especially in the fields of media, the publishing industry, driving, postal systems and will be a major cause for unemployment, but will also give rise to 97 million new jobs in the fields of digital marketing, machine learning, robotics, internet of things and artificial intelligence.

The world economic forum suggesting it as the fourth revolution after steam engines, electricity, computers, technological automation is going to shape and be a part of the everyday life of people in the next few years. With respect to the businesses across the globe, there is a massive challenge that will occur during this transition from manpower to automated tools.

Reskilling and upskilling has to be the choice for businesses globally as proper skilling of the human capital is the best solution to this problem. Since the world is changing at a very rapid speed this transition has to be made very quickly and effectively in order for the smooth functioning of the business.

For any business, it is its human capital that will be the contributor to the companies growth and success. So reskilling your employees on the latest technologies like machine learning and the internet of things along with automation will help them get the right skills to compete in the rapidly changing world after the pandemic and also grow your business as per the change in the industry trends.

The other challenge is that only a few companies have the capacity to train their human capital with the right skills and ideas, so the internet along with training is the best way to upskill and reskill yourself to meet the growing market trends and to compete in the business world with a lot of employment opportunities coming from the automated technological world in the next few years.

To reskill yourself with industry-related training on the Internet of things, Machine learning and Artificial intelligence

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