Certify as an IOS expert at the best iOS training center in Bangalore to be noticed by the big wigs of the IT world. MobiGnosis is a one-stop destination for mastering the tools and tricks in the iOS development through exceptional practical based training by qualified and seasoned professionals.
iOS is a much talked about brand in the telecommunications sphere which had managed to take the tech world by surprise since its inception. Apple is one of the leading tech giants and their iOS is no doubt one of the most advanced operating systems. The iPad, iPhone, iPod have remained some of the most sought after electronic gadgets in the world. Apple keeps on inventing and reinventing their iPhone models and releasing them in the market. Every new model of iPhone has been appreciated by the buyers and Apple has registered cash flow. The iPhone App Store offers some of the most functional, innovative applications to the users and has contributed towards the success of Apple gadgets.
Get enrolled for the most demanding skill in the world. iOS Training in Bangalore will make your career a new height. We at MobiGnosis provide you with an excellent platform to learn and explore the subject from industry experts. We help students to dream high and achieve it.
Key Learnings :
- Basics of iOS architecture and concepts of Objective-C
- Basics of iOS programming concepts
- Creating application layouts and developing complete apps
- PLIST files and creating NS user default
- Web services, address book usage and data storage
- Working on notification services on iOS
- Sprite Kit framework for rendering 2D games
- Apple Certification process
- Uploading apps to the Apple App Store
Topics Covered During Classroom :
Start Up
- Understanding the Development Environment
- Installing the Tools
- Components of the SDK
- Understanding the Xcode and IB interface
- Understanding the Playground
- Understanding the advantages and Limitations of Simulator
Swift Programming Language
Swift Basics
- The language basics
- Constants and Variables
- Type Annotations
- Data Types
- Type-Safety and Inference
- Conversions
- Tuples
- Optionals
Basic Operators
Strings and Characters
Collection Types- Arrays
- Dictionaries
- Assignment and Copy behavior
- Mutation in Collections
Control Flow
- Conditional Statements
- Iteration Statements
- Value bindings
- Control Transfer
- Defining Functions
- Function Parameters
- Functions with Multiple Return values
- External Parameters
- In-Out Parameters
- Function Types
- Function Types are Parameters
- Nested Functions
- Closure Expressions
- Closure Context
- Trailing Closures
- Closures as Reference types
- Enumeration Basics
- Associated Values
- Raw Values
Swift – OOPS Concepts
Classes and Structures
- Defining class and structure instances
- Properties
- Stored Properties
- Computer Properties
- Property Observers
- Type Properties
- Initializers
- Methods
- Type Methods
- Instance Methods
- Subscripts
- Inheritance
- Defining Base Class
- Subclassing
- Overriding
- Preventing Overrides
- Initialization
- Designated Initializer
- Custom Initialization
- Default Initialization
- Initializer Chaining and Safety
- Deinitialization
- Automatic Reference Counting
- How ARC Works
- Strong Reference Cycles
- Resolving Strong Reference Cycles
- Reference Cycles for Closures
- Resolving Strong Reference Cycles for Closures
- Optional Chaining
- Type Casting
- Class Hierarchy for Type Casting
- Type Checking
- DownCasting
- Object Casting
- Extensions
- Types
- Methods
- Initializers
- Subscripts
- Nested Types
- Protocols
- Property Requirements
- Method requirements
- Mutating Requirements
- Protocols as Types
- Delegation
- Protocol Conformation with Extension
- Protocol Adaption
- Collections of Protocol
- Protocol Inheritance
- Optional Protocols
- Generics
- Why use Generics
- Functions
- Type parameters
- Types
- Constraints
- Associated Types
- Where Clauses
User Interface
UI basic
- Using iPhone Project Templates
- The Units of Measurement
- The iOS Hello World Boilerplate Dissection
- Understanding the App Startup process
- The iOS Architecture
- Retina v/s non-Retina UI considerations
- The Developer License
- Understanding Views and Windows
- Creating User Interface
- Basic GUI Components
- UITextField, UISlider, UISegementControl, UIStepper, UIButton etc
- Actions, Outlets and Events
- Handling Basic Interactions
- The Human Interface Guidelines
- Understanding Delegation
- Exercise – Create a Settings Controller that allows to Switch Font Sizes, Change RGB color background, Allow Text Events
Understanding UITableView
- Understanding UINavigationController
- Creating a Simple Table View
- Reusing TableViewCells
- Customizing a TableView
- Grouping Data in Tables
- Selecting and Navigation in TableViews
Model Views
- Alerting a User
- Customization AlertViews
- Capturing User response
- TextField Alerts and Keyboard Styles
- Implementing ActionSheets
- Using a UICollectionView
- DataSource and Delegates
- Custom UICollectionViewCells
- Reusing Collection Cells
Multi-View Applications
- Container and Content Views
- Introduction to Multi-View Applications
- The MVC Architecture. Why and How to use MVC.
- Subclassing Controllers
- Creating a Utility Application and Creating Protocols
- Implementing Different Animation for View Transitions
Basic Data Handling
- Understanding the Controller States in Life Cycle
- Understanding Application Document Structure
- Understanding the Product Folder Structure
- The Application Default Folders and File Manager
- Capturing Files form Bundles
- Storing and retrieving data from Files
- Storing and Retrieving data from Plists
The Application Project Structure
- Creating and Accessing your own Bundles
- A Start Up Project using Different Controllers.
- Creating a Multi-View Application from Scratch
- Creating Scenes and Segues
- Adding Controllers
- Passing Data Across Scenes
- Understanding Master-detail Application
- Universal Applications
Skill Level
- We cover the entire skill spectrum and assist and train beginners as well as experienced candidates
Course Duration
- 50 Hours is the standard course duration
- It will also include mock projects as well as real time models.
Assignments Duration
- Separate time will be allotted for assignments
- Trainers will provide and assist with the assignments according to the students understanding
- We provide upto 6 months of post training support along with full placement assistance
- We ensure the candidate gets all the training support he/she needs during assignments and placement counselling
About the trainer
Our subject matter expert in iOS has about 18 years of Industry experience which he effectively uses to train in SWIFT. He has also imparted training in various organizations like Intuit, Microsoft and has more than 40 successful batch completions to his name.
Training Duration & Pricing:
For Individuals
Duration: 2.5 Months and we also offer 2 Months Offline Support
Mode: Classroom & Online
Course Fees: Call us at +91-9900001329
For Corporate Training
The Mobignosis Corporate Training Program is designed for organisations who require practical upskilling for their employees to gain knowledge on the current trending technologies.

Candidates receive Mobignosis course completion certificate upon successful completion of course
The course is an instructor led online coaching session
The instructors are industry experts (Apple Certified Trainers) who consult with leaders in mobility services like SAP, Capgemini, Cisco and many others
As a team of practicing iOS Application Development professionals, we use the leading edge methodologies in our consulting work and have used the same methodologies to develop the iOS course content for classroom coaching. So, you are exposed to the most up to date quality course contents
The iOS Training program includes 2 months free technical support post training, the participants can repeat the session free of cost, For any additional assistance we are just a phone call away