Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Join our Digital Marketing Training program to gain a sound understanding of Digital Marketing concepts, usability and application on varied environments
Digital Marketing training

Whether you’re a complete beginner, business owner or marketing professional looking to upskill, this digital marketing program is perfect for you to become a digital marketer.

Our comprehensive course, delivered 100% online, teaches the key digital marketing skills required for the modern workplace. Learn Google Ads, social media marketing and SEO, Analytics, mobile marketing and much more.

Digital marketing as various and millions of techniques to improve profits. Basic thing for a digital marketer is to promote the business, brand, sales, goal conversion, increase clients and gain market share and lots. Digital marketing is done on social media platforms, email, mobile, google promotion, google optimization and google AdWords. Digital Marketing is the best marketing process for the promotion of every website, brand and to analyze the output of this work by successful marketing campaigns and use of google analytics. With the use of Facebook, Google AdWords, Twitter, Instagram and all other social media platforms.

Key Learnings :

  • Activity Based Learning – Digital Marketing Training cannot be limited to classroom interaction.
  • Hence we focus on activity based learning to bring out individualistic approach
  • Case Studies – We provide real life studies where you can sharpen your problem-solving skills.
  • Group Discussions – Give a new purpose to your learning by taking part in healthy brainstorming sessions.
  • Project Management – Get introduced to challenging projects, work as a team and prepare yourself for real life working scenario.
  • Crisis Management – We groom you to be quick with your facts, and tackle challenging situations with ease.
  • SEO, SEM, Social Media and Content Marketing, Branding, Marketing Analytics

Topics Covered During Classroom :

1. Digital Marketing Overview

  • What is marketing?
  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • Understanding Marketing Process
  • Why Digital Marketing Wins Over traditional Marketing? Understanding Digital Marketing Process
  • Increasing Visibility What is visibility? Types of visibility Examples of visibility
  • Visitors Engagement
  • Bringing Targeted Traffic
  • Converting Traffic into Leads
  • Tools Needed

2. Website Design and Creation

  • Understanding Internet
  • Understanding websites
  • Understanding domain names & domain extensions
  • What is web server & web hosting
  • Different types of web servers
  • Different types of websites
  • Based on functionality Based on purpose
  • Planning & Conceptualizing a Website
  • Booking a domain name & web hosting Adding domain name to web Server Adding webpages & content
  • Adding Plugins
  • Building website using CMS in Class
  • Identifying objective of website Deciding on number of pages required Planning for engagement options Creating blueprint of every webpage

3. SEO-Search Engine Optimization

  • What is SEO?
  • What are search engines?
  • How search engines work
  • Major functions of a search engine
  • What are keywords?
  • Different types of keywords
  • Google keyword planner tool
  • Keywords research process
  • Understanding keywords mix
  • Google Operator: So that you can find anything on the web On page optimization
  • What are primary keywords, secondary keywords and tertiary keywords? Keywords optimization
  • Content optimization & planning
  • Understanding your audience for content planning
  • What is the difference between keywords stuffing & keyword placement Internal linking
  • Meta tags creation
  • Creating Webpage in WordPress and WIX
  • Using google webmasters tool & website verification Sitemap creation & submission in website & webmasters How to write an optimized content
  • How to write a content for article, blog and press release
  • Off Page optimization
  • What is Domain Authority?
  • How to increase Domain Authority
  • What are back links?
  • Types of back links
  • What is link building?
  • Types of link building
  • Do’s and Dont’s of link building
  • Link building strategies for your business Easy link acquisition techniques
  • Local SEO
  • Citation
  • Top tools for SEO
  • Monitoring SEO process
  • Preparing SEO reports
  • How to create SEO Strategy for your business
  • Importance of domain and page authority
  • How to optimize exact keywords for your business
  • What is Google Panda Algorithm?
  • What is Google Penguin?
  • What is Google EMD Update?
  • How to save your site from Google Panda, Penguin and EMD Update How to recover your site from Panda, Penguin and EMD
  • CON
  • What is SEO?
  • What are search engines?
  • How search engines work
  • Major functions of a search engine
  • What are keywords?
  • Different types of keywords
  • Google keyword planner tool
  • Keywords research process
  • Understanding keywords mix
  • Google Operator: So that you can find anything on the web On page optimization
  • What are primary keywords, secondary keywords and tertiary keywords? Keywords optimization
  • Content optimization & planning
  • Understanding your audience for content planning
  • What is the difference between keywords stuffing & keyword placement Internal linking
  • Meta tags creation
  • Creating Webpage in WordPress and WIX
  • Using google webmasters tool & website verification Sitemap creation & submission in website & webmasters How to write an optimized content
  • How to write a content for article, blog and press release
  • Off Page optimization
  • What is Domain Authority?
  • How to increase Domain Authority
  • What are back links?
  • Types of back links
  • What is link building?
  • Types of link building
  • Do’s and Dont’s of link building
  • Link building strategies for your business Easy link acquisition techniques
  • Local SEO
  • Citation
  • Top tools for SEO
  • Monitoring SEO process
  • Preparing SEO reports
  • How to create SEO Strategy for your business
  • Importance of domain and page authority
  • How to optimize exact keywords for your business
  • What is Google Panda Algorithm?
  • What is Google Penguin?
  • What is Google EMD Update?
  • How to save your site from Google Panda, Penguin and EMD Update How to recover your site from Panda, Penguin and EMD

4. PPC Advertising & Google adwords

  • Google AdWords Overview
  • Understanding inorganic search results Introduction to Google Adwords & PPC advertising
  • Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo) Setting up Google Adwords account Understanding Adwords account structure
  • Campaigns, Adgroups, Ads, Keywords, etc Types of Advertising campaigns- Search, Display, Shopping & video
  • Difference between search & display campaign
  • Understanding Adwords Algorithm
  • How does Adwords rank ads
  • Understanding Adwords algorithm (adrank) in detail with example
  • What is quality score
  • Why quality score is important
  • What is CTR?
  • Why CTR is important?
  • Understanding bids
  • Creating Search Campaigns
  • Types of Search Campaigns – Standard,
  • All features, dynamic search & product listing Google merchant center
  • Creating our 1st search campaign
  • Doing campaign level settings Understanding location targeting
  • Different types of location targeting
  • What is bidding strategy?
  • Understanding different types of bid strategy
  • Manual
  • Auto
  • Advanced level bid strategies
  • Enhanced CPC
  • CPA
  • What are flexible bidding strategies? Understanding flexible bidding strategy Pros & Cons of different bid strategies
  • Understanding adextensions
  • Types of ad-extensions
  • Adding ad-extensions in our campaign Creating adgroups
  • Finding relevant adgroups options using tools
  • Creating adgroups using tool Understanding keywords
  • Finding relevant keywords Adding keywords in ad-group Using keyword planner tool Understanding types of keywords
  • Board, Phrase, exact, synonym & negative
  • Examples of types of keywords Pros and cons of diff. types of keywords
  • Creating ads
  • Understanding ad metrics
  • Display & destination URL
  • How to write a compelling ad copy Best & worst examples of ads Creating ads
  • Tracking Performance/Conversion
  • What is conversion tracking?
  • Why is it important
  • How to set up conversion tracking Adding tracking code in your website Checking conversion stats
  • Optimizing Search Campaigns
  • How to optimize campaigns at the time of creation?
  • Optimizing campaign via adgroups
  • Importance of CTR in optimization How to increase CTR
  • Importance of quality score in optimization
  • How to increase quality score Importance of negative keywords in optimization
  • Evaluating campaign stats Optimizing with conversion report Optimizing with keywords
  • Optimizing performing keywords Optimizing non performing keywords How to decrease CPC
  • Analyzing your competitors performance
  • Creating Display Campaign
  • Types of display campaigns- All features, Mobile app, Remarketing, Engagement Creating 1st display campaign
  • Difference in search & display campaign settings
  • Doing campaign level settings Understanding CPM bid strategy Advance settings
  • Ad-scheduling
  • Ad-delivery
  • Understanding ads placement Creating diff. adgroups
  • Using display planner tool Finding relevant websites for ads placement
  • Creating text ads
  • Creating banner ads using tools Uploading banner ads
  • Optimizing Display Campaign Remarketing
  • What is remarketing?
  • Setting up remarketing campaign Creating Remarketing lists Advanced Level list creation Custom audience

5. Google Analytics

  • Introduction to Google Analytics
  • How Google analytics works
  • Understanding Google analytics account structure
  • Understanding Google analytics insights
  • Understanding cookie tracking
  • Types of cookie tracking used by Google analytics
  • Starting with Google analytics
  • How to set up analytics account
  • How to add analytics code in website
  • Understanding goals and conversions
  • How to setup goals
  • Understanding different types of goals
  • Understanding bounce & bounce rate
  • Difference between exit rate & bounce rate
  • How to reduce bounce rate
  • How to set up funnels in goals
  • Importance of funnels
  • How to integrate adwords and analytics account
  • Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
  • Measuring performance of marketing campaigns via Google analytics What is link tagging
  • How to set up link tagging
  • Understanding filters & segments
  • How to set up filters & segments
  • How to view customized reports
  • Monitoring traffic sources
  • Monitoring traffic behavior
  • Taking corrective actions if required

6. Social Media Marketing

  • What is Social Media?
  • Understanding the existing Social Media paradigms & psychology How social media marketing is different than others
  • Forms of Internet marketing
  • Facebook marketing
  • Understanding Facebook marketing Practical session 1
  • Creating Facebook page Uploading contacts for invitation Exercise on fan page wall posting
  • Increasing fans on fan page
  • How to do marketing on fan page (with examples) Fan engagement
  • Important apps to do fan page marketing Facebook advertising
  • Types of Facebook advertising
  • Best practices for Facebook advertising Understanding Facebook best practices Understanding edgerank and art of engagement Practical Session 2
  • Creating Facebook advertising campaign Targeting in ad campaign
  • Payment module- CPC vs CPM vs CPA Setting up conversion tracking
  • Using power editor tool for adv.
  • Advanced Facebook advertising using tools like Qwaya
  • Linkedin Marketing
  • What is LinkedIn?
  • Understanding LinkedIn
  • Company profile vs Individual profiles Understanding Linkedin groups
  • How to do marketing on LinkedIn groups Linkedin advertising & it’s best practices Increasing ROI from LinkedIn ads Linkedin publishing
  • Company pages
  • Adv on linkedIn
  • Display vs text
  • Twitter Marketing
  • Understanding Twitter
  • Tools to listen & measure Influence on Twitter: TweetDeck, Klout, PeerIndex How to do marketing on Twitter
  • Black hat techniques of twitter marketing
  • Advertising on Twitter
  • Creating campaigns
  • Types of ads
  • Tools for twitter marketing
  • Twitter Advertising
  • Twitter Cards
  • Video Marketing
  • Understanding Video Campaign
  • Creating 1st Video Campaign
  • Importance of video marketing
  • Benefits of video marketing
  • Uploading videos on video marketing websites Using youtube for business
  • Developing youtube video marketing Strategy Bringing visitors from youtube videos to your website Creating Video ADgroups
  • Targeting Options
  • Understanding Bid Strategy

7. Mobile Marketing, SMS marketing & Email Marketing

  • What is email marketing?
  • How email works?
  • Challenges faced in sending bulk emails
  • How to over come these challenges?
  • Types of email marketing- Opt-in & bulk emailing
  • What is opt-in email marketing?
  • Setting up email marketing account
  • Best platforms to do opt-in email marketing
  • Setting up lists & web form
  • Creating a broadcast email
  • What are auto responders?
  • Setting up auto responders
  • How to do bulk emailing?
  • Best practices to send bulk emails
  • Tricks to land in inbox instead of spam folder
  • Top email marketing software’s & a glimpse of how to use them Improving ROI with A/B testing

Whether you’re a complete beginner, business owner or marketing professional looking to upskill, this digital marketing program is perfect for you to become a digital marketer.

Our comprehensive course, delivered 100% online, teaches the key digital marketing skills required for the modern workplace. Learn Google Ads, social media marketing and SEO, Analytics, mobile marketing and much more.

Digital marketing as various and millions of techniques to improve profits. Basic thing for a digital marketer is to promote the business, brand, sales, goal conversion, increase clients and gain market share and lots. Digital marketing is done on social media platforms, email, mobile, google promotion, google optimization and google AdWords. Digital Marketing is the best marketing process for the promotion of every website, brand and to analyze the output of this work by successful marketing campaigns and use of google analytics. With the use of Facebook, Google AdWords, Twitter, Instagram and all other social media platforms.


Key Learnings :

  • Activity Based Learning – Digital Marketing Training cannot be limited to classroom interaction.
  • Hence we focus on activity based learning to bring out individualistic approach
  • Case Studies – We provide real life studies where you can sharpen your problem-solving skills.
  • Group Discussions – Give a new purpose to your learning by taking part in healthy brainstorming sessions.
  • Project Management – Get introduced to challenging projects, work as a team and prepare yourself for real life working scenario.
  • Crisis Management – We groom you to be quick with your facts, and tackle challenging situations with ease.
  • SEO, SEM, Social Media and Content Marketing, Branding, Marketing Analytics

Topics Covered During Classroom :

1. Digital Marketing Overview

  • What is marketing?
  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • Understanding Marketing Process
  • Why Digital Marketing Wins Over traditional Marketing? Understanding Digital Marketing Process
  • Increasing Visibility What is visibility? Types of visibility Examples of visibility
  • Visitors Engagement
  • Bringing Targeted Traffic
  • Converting Traffic into Leads
  • Tools Needed

2. Website Design and Creation

  • Understanding Internet
  • Understanding websites
  • Understanding domain names & domain extensions
  • What is web server & web hosting
  • Different types of web servers
  • Different types of websites
  • Based on functionality Based on purpose
  • Planning & Conceptualizing a Website
  • Booking a domain name & web hosting Adding domain name to web Server Adding webpages & content
  • Adding Plugins
  • Building website using CMS in Class
  • Identifying objective of website Deciding on number of pages required Planning for engagement options Creating blueprint of every webpage

3. SEO-Search Engine Optimization

  • What is SEO?
  • What are search engines?
  • How search engines work
  • Major functions of a search engine
  • What are keywords?
  • Different types of keywords
  • Google keyword planner tool
  • Keywords research process
  • Understanding keywords mix
  • Google Operator: So that you can find anything on the web On page optimization
  • What are primary keywords, secondary keywords and tertiary keywords? Keywords optimization
  • Content optimization & planning
  • Understanding your audience for content planning
  • What is the difference between keywords stuffing & keyword placement Internal linking
  • Meta tags creation
  • Creating Webpage in WordPress and WIX
  • Using google webmasters tool & website verification Sitemap creation & submission in website & webmasters How to write an optimized content
  • How to write a content for article, blog and press release
  • Off Page optimization
  • What is Domain Authority?
  • How to increase Domain Authority
  • What are back links?
  • Types of back links
  • What is link building?
  • Types of link building
  • Do’s and Dont’s of link building
  • Link building strategies for your business Easy link acquisition techniques
  • Local SEO
  • Citation
  • Top tools for SEO
  • Monitoring SEO process
  • Preparing SEO reports
  • How to create SEO Strategy for your business
  • Importance of domain and page authority
  • How to optimize exact keywords for your business
  • What is Google Panda Algorithm?
  • What is Google Penguin?
  • What is Google EMD Update?
  • How to save your site from Google Panda, Penguin and EMD Update How to recover your site from Panda, Penguin and EMD
  • CON
  • What is SEO?
  • What are search engines?
  • How search engines work
  • Major functions of a search engine
  • What are keywords?
  • Different types of keywords
  • Google keyword planner tool
  • Keywords research process
  • Understanding keywords mix
  • Google Operator: So that you can find anything on the web On page optimization
  • What are primary keywords, secondary keywords and tertiary keywords? Keywords optimization
  • Content optimization & planning
  • Understanding your audience for content planning
  • What is the difference between keywords stuffing & keyword placement Internal linking
  • Meta tags creation
  • Creating Webpage in WordPress and WIX
  • Using google webmasters tool & website verification Sitemap creation & submission in website & webmasters How to write an optimized content
  • How to write a content for article, blog and press release
  • Off Page optimization
  • What is Domain Authority?
  • How to increase Domain Authority
  • What are back links?
  • Types of back links
  • What is link building?
  • Types of link building
  • Do’s and Dont’s of link building
  • Link building strategies for your business Easy link acquisition techniques
  • Local SEO
  • Citation
  • Top tools for SEO
  • Monitoring SEO process
  • Preparing SEO reports
  • How to create SEO Strategy for your business
  • Importance of domain and page authority
  • How to optimize exact keywords for your business
  • What is Google Panda Algorithm?
  • What is Google Penguin?
  • What is Google EMD Update?
  • How to save your site from Google Panda, Penguin and EMD Update How to recover your site from Panda, Penguin and EMD

4. PPC Advertising & Google adwords

  • Google AdWords Overview
  • Understanding inorganic search results Introduction to Google Adwords & PPC advertising
  • Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo) Setting up Google Adwords account Understanding Adwords account structure
  • Campaigns, Adgroups, Ads, Keywords, etc Types of Advertising campaigns- Search, Display, Shopping & video
  • Difference between search & display campaign
  • Understanding Adwords Algorithm
  • How does Adwords rank ads
  • Understanding Adwords algorithm (adrank) in detail with example
  • What is quality score
  • Why quality score is important
  • What is CTR?
  • Why CTR is important?
  • Understanding bids
  • Creating Search Campaigns
  • Types of Search Campaigns – Standard,
  • All features, dynamic search & product listing Google merchant center
  • Creating our 1st search campaign
  • Doing campaign level settings Understanding location targeting
  • Different types of location targeting
  • What is bidding strategy?
  • Understanding different types of bid strategy
  • Manual
  • Auto
  • Advanced level bid strategies
  • Enhanced CPC
  • CPA
  • What are flexible bidding strategies? Understanding flexible bidding strategy Pros & Cons of different bid strategies
  • Understanding adextensions
  • Types of ad-extensions
  • Adding ad-extensions in our campaign Creating adgroups
  • Finding relevant adgroups options using tools
  • Creating adgroups using tool Understanding keywords
  • Finding relevant keywords Adding keywords in ad-group Using keyword planner tool Understanding types of keywords
  • Board, Phrase, exact, synonym & negative
  • Examples of types of keywords Pros and cons of diff. types of keywords
  • Creating ads
  • Understanding ad metrics
  • Display & destination URL
  • How to write a compelling ad copy Best & worst examples of ads Creating ads
  • Tracking Performance/Conversion
  • What is conversion tracking?
  • Why is it important
  • How to set up conversion tracking Adding tracking code in your website Checking conversion stats
  • Optimizing Search Campaigns
  • How to optimize campaigns at the time of creation?
  • Optimizing campaign via adgroups
  • Importance of CTR in optimization How to increase CTR
  • Importance of quality score in optimization
  • How to increase quality score Importance of negative keywords in optimization
  • Evaluating campaign stats Optimizing with conversion report Optimizing with keywords
  • Optimizing performing keywords Optimizing non performing keywords How to decrease CPC
  • Analyzing your competitors performance
  • Creating Display Campaign
  • Types of display campaigns- All features, Mobile app, Remarketing, Engagement Creating 1st display campaign
  • Difference in search & display campaign settings
  • Doing campaign level settings Understanding CPM bid strategy Advance settings
  • Ad-scheduling
  • Ad-delivery
  • Understanding ads placement Creating diff. adgroups
  • Using display planner tool Finding relevant websites for ads placement
  • Creating text ads
  • Creating banner ads using tools Uploading banner ads
  • Optimizing Display Campaign Remarketing
  • What is remarketing?
  • Setting up remarketing campaign Creating Remarketing lists Advanced Level list creation Custom audience

5. Google Analytics

  • Introduction to Google Analytics
  • How Google analytics works
  • Understanding Google analytics account structure
  • Understanding Google analytics insights
  • Understanding cookie tracking
  • Types of cookie tracking used by Google analytics
  • Starting with Google analytics
  • How to set up analytics account
  • How to add analytics code in website
  • Understanding goals and conversions
  • How to setup goals
  • Understanding different types of goals
  • Understanding bounce & bounce rate
  • Difference between exit rate & bounce rate
  • How to reduce bounce rate
  • How to set up funnels in goals
  • Importance of funnels
  • How to integrate adwords and analytics account
  • Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
  • Measuring performance of marketing campaigns via Google analytics What is link tagging
  • How to set up link tagging
  • Understanding filters & segments
  • How to set up filters & segments
  • How to view customized reports
  • Monitoring traffic sources
  • Monitoring traffic behavior
  • Taking corrective actions if required

6. Social Media Marketing

  • What is Social Media?
  • Understanding the existing Social Media paradigms & psychology How social media marketing is different than others
  • Forms of Internet marketing
  • Facebook marketing
  • Understanding Facebook marketing Practical session 1
  • Creating Facebook page Uploading contacts for invitation Exercise on fan page wall posting
  • Increasing fans on fan page
  • How to do marketing on fan page (with examples) Fan engagement
  • Important apps to do fan page marketing Facebook advertising
  • Types of Facebook advertising
  • Best practices for Facebook advertising Understanding Facebook best practices Understanding edgerank and art of engagement Practical Session 2
  • Creating Facebook advertising campaign Targeting in ad campaign
  • Payment module- CPC vs CPM vs CPA Setting up conversion tracking
  • Using power editor tool for adv.
  • Advanced Facebook advertising using tools like Qwaya
  • Linkedin Marketing
  • What is LinkedIn?
  • Understanding LinkedIn
  • Company profile vs Individual profiles Understanding Linkedin groups
  • How to do marketing on LinkedIn groups Linkedin advertising & it’s best practices Increasing ROI from LinkedIn ads Linkedin publishing
  • Company pages
  • Adv on linkedIn
  • Display vs text
  • Twitter Marketing
  • Understanding Twitter
  • Tools to listen & measure Influence on Twitter: TweetDeck, Klout, PeerIndex How to do marketing on Twitter
  • Black hat techniques of twitter marketing
  • Advertising on Twitter
  • Creating campaigns
  • Types of ads
  • Tools for twitter marketing
  • Twitter Advertising
  • Twitter Cards
  • Video Marketing
  • Understanding Video Campaign
  • Creating 1st Video Campaign
  • Importance of video marketing
  • Benefits of video marketing
  • Uploading videos on video marketing websites Using youtube for business
  • Developing youtube video marketing Strategy Bringing visitors from youtube videos to your website Creating Video ADgroups
  • Targeting Options
  • Understanding Bid Strategy

7. Mobile Marketing, SMS marketing & Email Marketing

  • What is email marketing?
  • How email works?
  • Challenges faced in sending bulk emails
  • How to over come these challenges?
  • Types of email marketing- Opt-in & bulk emailing
  • What is opt-in email marketing?
  • Setting up email marketing account
  • Best platforms to do opt-in email marketing
  • Setting up lists & web form
  • Creating a broadcast email
  • What are auto responders?
  • Setting up auto responders
  • How to do bulk emailing?
  • Best practices to send bulk emails
  • Tricks to land in inbox instead of spam folder
  • Top email marketing software’s & a glimpse of how to use them Improving ROI with A/B testing

Training Duration & Pricing:

For Individuals

Duration: 1.5 Months and we also offer 2 Months Offline Support

Mode: Classroom & Online

Course Fees: Call us at +91-9900001329

For Corporate Training

The Mobignosis Corporate Training Program is designed for organisations who require practical upskilling for their employees to gain knowledge on the current trending technologies

Digital Marketing course

Digital Marketing

08:00 AM – 10:00 AM



Candidates receive Mobignosis course completion certificate upon successful completion of course


The course is an instructor led classroom coaching session

The instructors are industry experts (Digital Marketing Professionals) who consult with leaders in technology services like SAP, Capgemini, Cisco and many others

As a team of practicing Digital Marketing professionals, we use the leading edge methodologies in our consulting work and have used the same methodologies to develop the Digital Marketing course content for classroom coaching. So, you are exposed to the most up to date quality course contents

The Digital Marketing Training program includes 2 months free technical support post training, the participants can repeat the session free of cost, For any additional assistance we are just a phone call away

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