Android App Development course curriculum

Android App Development Course Essentials

Android Course Content

  • History and Version
  • Installing soft wares
  • Setup Android Studio
  • Hello Android example
  • Internal Details
  • Dalvik VM
  • Software Stack
  • Android Core Building Blocks
  • Android Emulator
  • AndroidManifest.xml
  • file
  • Hide Title Bar
  • Screen Orientation 
  • Activity
  • Service
  • Broadcast Receiver     
  • Content Providers
  • Working with Button 
  • Toast
  • Custom Toast 
  • Button
  • Toggle Button 
  • Image Button
  • CheckBox 
  • AlertDialog 
  • AutoCompleteTextView
  • RatingBar
  • DatePicker
  • TimePicker
  • ProgressBa
  • Activity Lifecycle
  • Activity Example
  • Implicit Intent
  • Explicit Intent
  • Fragment Lifecycle
  • Fragment Example
  • Dynamic Fragment 
  • Option Menu
  • Context Menu
  • Popup Menu 
  • Relative Layout
  • Linear Layout
  • Table Layout
  • Grid Layout 
  • Array Adaptor
  • ArrayList Adaptor
  • Base Adaptor 
  • GridView
  • WebView
  • ScrollView
  • SearchView 

Advance Android Course Content

  • Android Service
  • Android Service API
  • Android Started Service
  • Android Bound Service
  • Android Service Life Cycle
  • Android Service Example 
  • Shared Preferences 
  • Internal Storage 
  • External Storage 
  • SQLite API
  • SQLite Spinner
  • SQLite ListView 
  • JSON Parsing 
  • XML Parsing 
  • Content Provider Fundamental
  • Contact Content Provider
  • Other Built-in Content Providers
  • Creating Custom Content Provider
  • Understanding Content URI
  • Content Resolver
  • Sharing Information from custom content provider 
  • Notification API
  • Creating Notification Builder
  • Setting Notification Properties
  • Attaching Actions
  • Issuing Notification
  • NotificationCompat.Builder class
  • Android Notification Examples 
  • Multimedia API
  • Playing Audio
  • Creating Audio Player
  • Playing Video
  • Alarm Manager
  • Gallery 
  • TextToSpeech API
  • TextToSpeech Example
  • Managing speed and pitch
  • Speech To Text 
  • Telephony Manager
  • Get Call State
  • Call State
  • BroadcastReceiver
  • Simple Caller Talker
  • Making Phone Call
  • Send SMS
  • Send Email 
  • Location API Fundamental
  • Example of Android Location API
  • Working with Google Maps 
  • Android Map V2 API
  • Adding Map
  • Customizing Map
  • GoogleMap class
  • Android Google Map Application 
  • Android Animation API
  • Android Drawable class
  • Android Animation Example
  • Android Rotate Animation
  • Android Fade Animation
  • Android Zoom Animation 
  • Bluetooth Tutorial
  • List Paired Devices
  • Working with WiFi
  • Working with Camera 
  • What is web service
  • Soap Vs Restful web service
  • Android Restful web service example with java servlet
  • Storing data into external oracle database
  • Verifying data in android with external oracle database 
  • Facebook Integration
  • Google plus
  • Integration
  • Twitter Integration
  • Ad Mob Integration
  • Floating Action Buttons
  • Card Views
  • Navigation Drawer Using Material Design

Batch will start from

25 March 2020


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